1 min read

Stop Wasting Time with Status Reporting and Adopt Information Radiators

Mediocre teams waste time trying to report the status of their work.

Mediocre teams waste time trying to report the status of their work.

And it's not that the status isn't important. Stakeholders need to make decisions based on how work is flowing through the system. But most teams choose manual info gathering and synchronous meetings.

But there's a better way to get stakeholders the information they need.

Information radiators keep everyone informed with real data

Information radiators come in many forms:

  • Build status monitor
  • Online KPI Dashboard
  • Physical work item board
  • Current list of in-progress work

And because they use real data from "source of truth" systems, there's no need to gather and compile information manually.

Information radiators are built to answer important questions, without a meeting

Many status reports don't tell the whole story.

Which means you need a meeting to discuss the details. But information radiators are built to answer specific, relevant, and important questions. So, instead of scheduling a meeting, stakeholders get what they need right away.

And who wouldn't want to get rid of a meeting?

Information radiators are the easiest way to broadcast the status of your work to the people who need to make decisions.